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  1. Right I think I've got it . There is a button back right from the shutter that I held down that allowed me to turn the dial to correct the f number . I wasn't aware of this as I thought I had to set it manually on the lens. My first dslr
  2. OK thanks I'll have a look and see if I can it sorted .thanks for both replies and advice . Just need some clear sky's and looking forward to progressing with my astrophotography
  3. Hi I've been buying some second hand gear to set up a beginners astrophotography set up . I managed to get a nikon d3100 and velbon tripod to which I have attached a star adventurer Pro pack . I took a few shots with the standard kit lens all was well so I took the jump and bought a samyang 135mm f2 nikon fit lens and intervalometer so I can start taking some tracked longer exposure of the night sky . Only problem is that when I connect the lens to the camera It tells me to move to the highest f number . Can anyone offer any advice
  4. Do you use a holder for your phone if so what sort ? I've seen a few on eBay etc. Your images look great 👍
  5. .I'm looking at m31 right now for the first time the first galaxy I have seen
  6. First off thankyou all for your replies . I have had a great start with my first telescope and have been impressed with what I have seen so far . I've managed some great views of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and found myself just looking through the 25mm ep at the stars last night moving across the night sky and trying to get the focusing dialled in. It really is amazing what you can see sometimes. I feel like I'm just starting to learn the night sky .
  7. Oh and I saw 3 of the geminid meteor shower tonight so all in all a cold but good week so far
  8. I wasn't put off too much by the cold so was out again in my slightly warmer and sheltered garden for some stargazing with the 25mm ep that came with the scope and caught this camera phone shot of pleiades
  9. Well I decided to put the scope in the car last night and head out to some darker sky's. Wrapped up warm but wasn't prepared for how cold it was. My eyes were watering and my fingers were numb . Still managed to focus on a few planets and could see the milky way above which was cool . The moon was also amazing looked like a sunset at first rising out of the cloud then massive and orange as it rose into the sky . Tried to get a picture through the lense with my phone but my hands were so cold . This was the best I could get .
  10. I was thinking if I keep watching for long enough I'll see the great red spot .then thinking about how long it takes for jupiter to full rotate. Then watching the jupiter episode of the planets on BBC I player . 😄
  11. Thanks for the replies i have had a look at the 32mm super plossl ep on flo and it seems like a reasonable price . Handy to know that it works well with your 150p astro dad . I think I'll give it a go and pass on the 5mm bst for now . I'm hopefully going to get out one night this week to some darker sky's and see if I can get some better views of Saturn
  12. My photo of the moon from Thursday night through the lense using my phone
  13. Thankyou for all the warm welcome messages. I've been mainly viewing planets and the moon so far and have achieved some fairly decent views from my back garden of Mars, jupiter and tonight caught a glimpse of the wonderful Saturn before it disappeared below the roof tops .Viewed with the 8mm bst and then dropped the Barlow in . I'm not sure if I could get the 5mm bst to further magnify the image or if it wouldn't be worth it as I already have the 8mm ? I have also used the 25mm super eyepiece that was provided with the scope and that gave a nice view of plaides stars . I'm honestly not that clued up on what sort of lenses to use for different viewing experience like the deep sky and double stars but I would like to see such sights as the orion nebula . I don't wear glasses either for any recommendation for eyepiece and budget wise probably looking ballpark £60 per eyepiece. Thanks again for all your replies
  14. Focusing on jupiter using night cam for photo
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