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Posts posted by CocoBungoClub

  1. Hi, Newbie here.  I have been slowly getting into astrology since I bought a cheap 2nd hand skylux refractor last year.  I then bought what I thought would be an upgrade but was still dipping my toe with a £30 second hand Konosmotor 500. It wasn't but has given me some experience with collimation.

    Anyway Christmas is coming and I thought I'd had my mind set on the 150pds having seen some example photos and then I discovered this mega thread which has changed my mind to the 130pds.  

    I am just after some advice really, I have an existing eq2 mount ( I think, how do you tell)  will this fit / suffice for the time being ? 

    My initial aim is to seen the planets in much better detail, is the 130pds a good scope to view these with ? But I am also keen to view the deep sky objects which I can see it's very capable of. 

    Apart from the scope is there anything else you consider to be essential to get the most out of it from the start ?  I am planning to get into astrophotography so thank you to the 8 years or so worth of posts on here. 

    I've attached a pic of my mount if anyone could assist me what type it is.  



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