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    Sussex, United Kingdom

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  1. Ah okay that makes sense, when I try again, I'll change the slew rate and with the other suggestions in the thread it should help!
  2. This was my first night of using the SV503 and HEQ5 setup so I'm just learning how it all works really at the moment. Up until now I've just been using the Star Adventurer. Autoguiding/Plate solving is something I will look at setting up in the future for sure. I'm just taking it one step at a time Thanks for the feedback on the shot, I was pretty happy with it for my first test
  3. I do believe that they were, I will try either side of the meridian next time and see if that helps
  4. I did try and move the framing using the hand controller but it wouldn't move, I'll have another read of the manual to see what I'm missing!
  5. I have a new HEQ5 Pro and the altitude bolts are rather difficult to use. I was thinking about alternatives and looking through this, I'm not the first and nor will I be the last to look at replacing the stock adjsutment bolts! I think I'll make a change rather soon so I don't end up wrecking or snapping any cheap metal whilst trying to make adjustments
  6. Hi everyone, I have recently got myself a HEQ5, upgrading from the trusty Skywatcher Star Adventurer. I have only managed to get a couple of evenings of clear skies thanks to the great British weather but I'm having an issue with getting my telescope to align with the target that I am try to shoot. I perform the normal polar alignment and then do a two start alignment, using the hand controller to center the star in the camera frame. I then select M31 from the catelog and the mount slews to M31 as you would expect. The issue is that it hasn't centered M31 in frame like I would expect it too and I'm a little puzzled as to why? I have attached an image that I took this evening and did a very quick process of for reference. Have I messed up something in my setting up of the mount? Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers.
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