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Posts posted by AngryBear

  1. On 27/10/2023 at 16:10, DSOBug said:

    I came across this you tube video relating to the 2600, ,  any comments on this..???  And if anyone has a Asi2600MC Pro what do you use for power???



    I don’t have the 2600, I have the 533, I run the power off the ASIAir + use one of the 12v DC power ports on the ASIAir. I do power the ASIAir directly from a 12V 5A power adapter. 

  2. On 13/10/2023 at 02:36, DaveL59 said:

    Yep, I'm not sure I'd have the inclination to span several nights on one target getting all the data to stack afterwards but it does show what can be achieved and that's pretty amazing for an entry level smart scope. I guess if we were minded to do that on a particular target we could run say 30 mins on that at the same start time each night and then go off and browse other targets. Over a week that's build up a few hours of data to collate, not sure I'd be that disciplined nor organised tho 😉 

    Agreed , ZWO should add a reminder feature

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