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Posts posted by Frostice

  1. Hi,

    Apologies if this has been answered before / solved before but I've just spent many hours trying to find the answer and I'm still non the wiser. I was under the belief that you could use the Pi HQ camera with astroberry for imaging but I'm having no luck at all. So far I've made sure the camera is enabled in config, tested the camera works from the terminal and  I've added the missing xml file so that the camera appears in the device manager local drivers list. However I still can't get anything to work. If I go to Kstars and Ekos and set the RPI camera as local I just get Starting Indi Services and then nothing. If I try it as remote I just get Unable to remotely establish RPI camera.

    Has anyone successfully used the PI HQ camera with Astroberry or can anyone point me to a guide to help set it up please?

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