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Posts posted by countwitte

  1. After a couple of aborted attempts to observe from my garden with binoculars over the past couple of weeks (street lights on all sides!), I saw some patches of clear sky and headed up the hillside over looking our town.

    Clouds rolled in but I had a clear view of Mars, Elnath & Aldebaran, spent some time looking at the cluster around Aldebaran and was suprised how many stars you start to pick out if you can steady the binoculars. I was particularly drawn to Theta and Sigma Tauri

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  2. Hello,

    Another newcomer here, currently fighting the urge to rush out and spend money on telescopes! I was interested in astronomy as a child but other things quickly took over. Now I'm older and have two young children I figured it was a good time to scratch that itch and maybe show them something in the process.

    I've picked up a 2nd hand copy of Turn Left at Orion, and I have an old 10x50 binocular laying around so I'm hoping to spend some time getting familiar with the night sky and take it from there.

    I'm based just south of Glasgow and it sounds like the national parks and forests to the south could be worth exploring for dark skies.


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