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Posts posted by GregWebb

  1. 10 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

    A warm welcome to SGL, I'm not to far away from you I'm searching for a place within an hour drive. 


    Hi Paul, thanks for the welcome. There are a couple of places I would go to locally to test out new lenses on camera - Formby pine woods, Hillside Nature Reserve or the woods on the coast road out of Southport just before the railway bridge. Not the darkest of skies, but I've had some ok'ish shots with camera. Dragging a telescope to those places wont be ideal, but ill let you know if i find somewhere decent and ok-ish for telescope.




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  2. Hello all from Southport, UK. (Half way between Liverpool and Blackpool on the west coast).

    New to telescope stuff but been into astrophotography for a while, as a beginner. 

    Recently received a 2nd hand Skywatcher 130 as a gift from someone who was moving home and a) doesn't have room for it and b) never got into staying up late/getting up early to go stand outside.

    I am new to all of this and just learning about eyepiece combinations with 10mm, 25 mm wide angle, 2x barlow and a 8-24mm zoom eyepiece.  Not quite got round to polar aligning, as given layout of my garden, there are things in the way such as trees, fences, and bigger trees in the next few gardens... so I often move the telescope around and am learning to find what I can from different points in the garden. At moment, I'm working out a lot of stuff with help of fakebook groups, forums such as these and general google stuff. The EQ 2 mount I have is in need of a good clean and love/care as not been stored in the best conditions, so that's affecting the willingness to polar align as some of its movement is restricted and clunky. I have a clock drive for it though, so will definatley get that sorted and polar aligned to use as best as I can at somepoint.

    Really interested in being able to see planets and taking pictures through the telescope. Saw Jupiter and some of its moons the other morning, next target will be Saturn. Always struggle to find that due to angle of ascension being blocked by trees and/or clouds. So at moment I'm really just getting to grips with it all.

    Think that is enough waffle from me for now. Anyone in local area that has tips for local viewing places or targets, please feel free to drop me a line.

    Have fun


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