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Posts posted by gateway

  1. Hello,

    my EAA setup is nearly the same. Also Startravel 102 and also EQ5 goto, but I only have a ASI 120 MC-s. I guided with a small 30mm scope with another ASI 120 MC (the old one)
    I am glad to see that there are some other guys out there who do EAA with a "normal" refractor ... was afraid that it might does not work at all. 
    But yesterday I did the first steps an I was impressed how good it worked. Normally I am observing with an 6" Newton or with a 5" Mak and I bought a 10" Dobson recently.

    I am ordering a better cam within the next days... was thinking of a ASI485MC for wider field and better resolution... has anyone experience with this cam and EAA on a fast refractor?

    Would be glad to hear some experiences from observations with your setup :) 

    All the best!

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