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Posts posted by Lila

  1. Thanks everyone for your advice! So you would be quite confident that since they look indentical and are both manufactured by GSO and then branded differently those 2 telescopes will roughly be of the same quality? I am a little cautious as dobs from Omegon, another brand manufactured by GSO, are getting some bad reviews (based on what I have read on other forums..) 


    7 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

    Good luck with your first scope and keep asking the questions.


  2. Hello everyone,

    I am about to purchase my very first telescope and, as you might expect, I am overwhelmed by the diversity of brands and models on the market! I have already figured out that I want an 8" dobsonian telescope and that I'd like the accessories to include 2 eye pieces (so that I don't have to spend more money on another eye piece right away, as a lot of 8" dobs are sold with just a 25 mm eye piece i.e. Orion XT, Skywatcher, Bresser..)

    A strong contender is the following:

    Levenhuk Dobson telescope N 200/1200 Ra 200N DOB (astroshop.eu)

    It comes with 2 eyes pieces (Plössl 9mm, Super View 30mm), an optical 8x50 finderscope, and lots of other "fancy" specs like a primary mirror cooling fan and a 2" dual speed Crayford focusing system. It's currently being sold from Astroshop at £419 instead of £590. 

    Is this too good to be true? Has anyone used this telescope before? I am struggling to find any reviews on this telescope and on Levenhuk's telescopes in general. They seem to mostly distribute their materials in US and eastern Europe, which may explain the lack of reviews on the forums I have checked. I would really appreciate any insight you may have on this telescope/ or brand as I am trying to work out if this a genuinely good telescope before making the big purchase....!

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