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Everything posted by JackG

  1. Thanks for reply. I am aware of kstars/ekos but will need to do the homework. Jack
  2. Folks, I am getting back to astronomy after a multi-decade hiatus. Currently, I have a Celestron 8se for the scope (including a wedge.) Also, I have finished two functional Cam86 cameras (long story on why two), an automated focuser a la Brown's "My Focuser Pro", and a functional Asroberry server on a RRPI4 with GPS. I am comfortable with electronics and linux system and generally avoid Windows -- hence the Astroberry. I am now transitioning from building to using the equipment. My current goal is to integrate this system with a workflow stating with plate solving to calibrate the telescope's GOTO function. I know others have been down this path and I am hoping to get some advice on setting up this workflow. Any tips are greatly appreciated. Jack
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