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  1. Hello I have attempted to create a Deepsky astrophoto for the first time, so I picked an easy target, the Orion Nebula, which is unfortunately slightly too large for my sensor/ focal length. I am using a Canon EOS 4000D DSLR camera, and an Omegon Advanced Telescope 130/650 EQ-320. This setup cost about 750€, and as a student I do not have the income to purchase any more expensive setup. So I tried making my picture, stacking a very large number of short (0.8s) exposures, as the target moved through the image, I let it move around and reframed every now and then, with the intent of creating a full picture using the mosaic mode in Deepsky Stacker. However, DSS seems to designate one center image and only adds a light frame into the mosaic around that image, as long as there is an overlap between the stacked light frame and the "master light frame". The result is that only ~800 out of 1924 light frames are being stacked. I'm not sure the previously mentioned reason is the only reason for the issues. In any case, the images further out in the mosaic area (still in overlap with other light frames, but too far from the "master light frame" are always left out. Does anybody know how I could fix this, to stack all (or at least the designated 90% best scoring light frames) together, getting my full scale stacked file as intended? Also, if I want to add a slight upgrade to my setup, could anybody tell me if an EQ-320 tracking motor set would be worth it, would that allow me to effectively make long exposures? Thank you for your help Gordan Ps. The attachement is the result of little over 1 minute of stacked exposure, which, when stretched results in quite a lot of noise (which I did my best to inhibit.)
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