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Posts posted by jbruckshaw

  1. So the focal length of my telescope is 1250mm, it's a Celestron Starsense Explorer DX 5" and yes the shutter speed was "1/1.3", it's this low as unfortunately due to the drift in my scope any longer produces significant trailing, if I had to hazard a guess it would be about 5 degrees a minute it moves. Below I've attached a processing of just all the lights stacked and stretched, and then also a single light unprocessed. To stretch the image I am using Photoshop CS6. 

    Thank you for the very speedy replies!


    ( I have only just realised that I've been using the wrong name too so ignore the "m41" names)


    m41 only lights.TIF m41 only lights stretched.tif DSC_0151.tiff

  2. First I want to apologise as I'm very new to this!

    Tonight I tried to take some photos of the Orion Nebula, using my Celestron Starsense Explorer DX5". Attached I had a Nikon D5200 running at 1/1.3 and Iso of 1250. Unfortunately I have a major problem with my tripod where it has a considerable drift to it (not sure why) so I had to keep my shutter speed fast to avoid the trailing as much as possible (this isn't the major problem but any advice would be greatly appreciated!)

    I took about 80 lights in the end before my battery ran ou
    t, I also took 10 darks, 10 flats and 10 bias frames. After stacking and stretching I'm presented with an array of pixels which seem to just be RGB lines running across the image horizontally. Having a quick look online it seems this could be a focussing error or more likely from my calibration frames as this was my first time trying them. Putting them into DeepSkyStacker it wasn't able to detect any stars which I'm sure isn't a good thing so could that also be the problem? I've attached the final image highlighting the problems so any advice would be appreciated. 

    Thank you :)


    m41 more stretched.jpg

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