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Posts posted by dagodave

  1. hello one and all how many amongst us build their own equipment i have just started to build a barn door tracker  i got a bit dejected watching utube as it seems that they all buy new gear at the drop of a hat    how good is home brew stuff and are there any amongst us who regularly use there own home made gear   speak to you soon      Dave C

  2. hello i have been given a set of lenses from an old overhead projector there are three pieces  6.5cms across  one is bi convex norther is convex and the final is bi concave but of unequal depth (hope i got the terms right  i was thinking to use these for the prime lens but what could i use as the secondary lens  they seem to be of good quality glass and i would like to put them to use   any help would be great   many thanks   dave c

  3. hello  i am returned to the fold after20 years, old gear a celestron astromaster 76  and eq  am motor . Canon 450 d a350d 200/300mm  m42 lens plus kit lens 18 55 mm and other bits.  Need to get it working with modern software  but looking up is still facinating as i have more time now. Just retired  im 72 .Many  questions to ask .      Dave C

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