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Posts posted by lakesone

  1. Hello,

    I am trying to get my Celestron 6SE working with Stellarium 10.6.1. I have the scope setup that way that is explained here. I get a "slew limit warning" on the hand control. I followed the below instructions. Any ideas?:

    i`m not sure whats wrong but i can tell you what my settings are,

    firstly if you are using Stellarium 10.4 or above you don`t need Stellarium scope any more as it`s built into the new versions.

    1. start Stellarium

    2. click configuration window or F2

    3. click on plug ins

    4. click telescope control

    5. at bottom make sure theres a tick in the box load at start up

    6. click configure

    7. click on add

    my settings are,

    1. telescope controlled by :-

    Stellarium, directly through a serial port

    2. name :-

    call the scope whatever you want to

    3. click start / connect at startup

    4. device settings :-

    com 1

    5. device model :-

    celestron nexstar compatable, but there are lots more in the drop down window

    6. then click o.k.

    hopefully you should be working but remember it only works when the scope is plugged into the computer, if you want to try it with out you need to set up virtual scope in the same way as above.

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