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Posts posted by StarryNights

  1. Thank you for responding. 

    Maybe I'm totally mistaken. The Goto mounts on these I listed, do they not track but just take you to the subject via the smart phone app? 

    Will they not track the subject in the night sky? 

    In response to questions. Let's put complex astrophotography off the table for now. Yes I do want to pursue, but very aware I could not take great images with this kit and if I enjoy it (being a beginner) I can always change kit in the future specifically for astrophotography. That being said. As a beginner it would still be nice to capture some first images along with the visual of the planets and perhaps some deeper space should a scope allow. Some do list this on their descriptions, especially the ones listed. Out of those I listed are any of them good for visual observations and to snap some basic dslr imagery? Or perhaps you can suggest another go to computerised scope up to £800?


  2. Hello

    I am searching for my first telescope. I'm aware astrophotography and visual astronomy require different set ups, however, I also know some scopes can offer a little of both... Please can you all offer some suggestions on a good all round option for :

    Budget- £400-£800

    Area :I live in the country in a dark skies neighbourhood and will be viewing from acres of open fields. 


    Visual quality highest possible of moon, planets and like the ability to capture that, but also offer some deep sky abilities and some basic deep image capturing to further the interest. 

    Portability. Able to set up and move with realitive ease. 

    So far, looking at :

    Skywatcher Star Discovery P150i 6''.

    Skywatcher Skymax 127AZ GTi 5''.

    Skywatcher Explorer 200P EQ5

    But there are so many I'm now so confused to know which one to get. 

    Thanks all. Any ideas or advice welcome. 

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