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Blog Entries posted by DrRobin

  1. DrRobin
    I am still waiting for my DMK41 to turn up, looks like I will need to chase on Monday. I have also bitten the bullet and bought a Lunt 60. My PST is working well after it's tune up, but with a Barlow it takes too many shots to get the whole of the sun in, so after seeing KE400s superb pics decided to have an early Xmas pressie.
  2. DrRobin
    Had my first go with a MS Lifecam Studio and a PST on the sun this evening. Conditions were far from ideal, only got 20 mins before it went behind houses, but I can get nearly all of the disc in focus.
    I have circular lines, probably arising from the Bayer matrix on the sensor and the PST and it also looks like I need to fit an IR filter.
    Still it's a start.
  3. DrRobin
    It came out sunny this afternoon, so had my tea break and tried first my DMK21, nice lot of surface detail and then the modified MS Lifecam with and without IR filter. There was a difference with the IR filter, slight focus difference, but it didn't really help with bringing out any more detail.
    I tried fiddling with the gain and exposure settings as well as the colour balance and saturation, all gave no improvement. Ended up coming back in and ordered a DMK41 from FLO.
    Now to see about removing some of the eyepiece holder to get the DMK in focus without a barlow.
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