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Posts posted by YoSithi

  1. Thanks for the welcomes all, much appreciated. Anyone had experiences with Rothervalley Optics? Just wondering if it's worth a visit? MIght be able to convince the other half into an upgrade if I'm lucky. I'm kinda keen on some basic DSO photography, has to be on a budget tho. Maybe a SW 130pds. I am a Yorkshire man 😁 

  2. Just like to say "hello" as I've joined SGL, whilst trying to resurrect my Astronomy interest.  Have a Meade ETX 90 RA, in it's original box, cobwebs blown off, hoping to take it for a spin shortly. Looking at modding a webcam to dip my toes into some basic AP. Who knows where it will take me, funds and permission from the other half permitting 😉

    Google and YouTube have been my best mates of late, that's how I came across SGL. Hoping  to gain advice and inspiration, as from the posts I've read so far, you all seem a friendly bunch 🙂

    Enjoyed a naked eye view of ISS tonight passing by Saturn and Jupiter. Not bad encouragement. Now to ponder over new hardware, but still unsure which route I want to follow: planetary, DSO or simple DSLR AP. On a tight budget and Christmas coming up, I might just have to drool at the posts for now. You never know, I might win the lottery one day. Dream on.

    Clear skies.

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