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Posts posted by Barbarina

  1. Thank you all for the kind words.

    It would serve the historical record about my father best to ensure that the anecdotes are recognized for what they are;

    staged and embellished complaints from the stale oral histories by colleagues exposed for their inferior and often failed work.

    The cowardly effort was done in collusion by many after my father's passing and not during his lifetime, where he would have

    mounted a defense and exposed their lack of achievement and jealousy further. 

    The devastating sequelae to scientific advancement is seen in the failed and very expensive effort to explain Dark Matter

    by the world's finest institutions.  Rather than malign a brilliant and bold visionary, they should have supported his lifetime's body of work

    and accomplishments in 1933 going forward when my father first identified Dark Matter. 

    I am attaching his article for reference which I co-translated with Johannes Nicolai Meyling. 

    Redshift Extragalactic Nebulae FZwicky Reduced.pdf

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  2. My review of the book is posted on Amazon:

    This is another lamentable effort due to the glaring biographical omissions and also repetitive parroting of stale anecdotes. My father's memory is not served or honored when a concealed established guard allegedly seeks to navigate his legacy or displaces key actors. It is the historian's responsibility to ensure an inclusive recording. The advancement of bringing the gravitational phenomena of Dark Matter to light would have been unsealed from the echoes of my father's work regardless of the prevailing resistant hierarchical powers, and the scientific establishment's obfuscation and spherical resistance to my father's work that he encountered on a continuum.

    Addendum December 2019
    For clarification, I was not contacted by the author of this book and was denied any contribution. Johnson, apparently by design, presents a selective narrative influenced by those who I believe contributed to advance an agenda of self-promotion, rather than an inclusive historical record including their inconvenient truths which upset my father greatly. The omissions are so many and the exclusion so blatant, that the book does not do justice to my father or his memory and denies the interested reader insight into this great scientist, humanitarian, and family man.

    Clarification regarding the embellished and fabricated anecdotes that should not be parroted on a continuum to sensationalize the memory of a decedent:

    1. The photo is taken out of context and is one in a series depicting a humorous narrative and isolated on its own serves to malign my father's image. I was present when the photos were taken.

    2. It is a blatant falsehood and fabrication that Baade was threatened by my father and only irresponsible individuals continue to parrot the narrative. There are thousands of Zwicky galaxies; Baade falsey took credit

    for one discovery naming the galaxy after himself. This was exposed and the incorrect designation corrected to a Zwicky Galaxy. My father never spoke to Baade again. 

    3. The bullet endeavor was a controlled and valid experiment; the night assistant, Ben Traxler, wrote to me shortly before his passing very upset about the deliberate efforts to distort the experiment by irresponsible authors.

    4. The reference to spherical colleagues was labeling their nescience to truth, scientific advancement and "bulges of trash in the scientific journals to hide their shortcomings." It identified their deficient group think, 

    professional jealousy, and shortcomings and was never a term that I heard used against any one individual. Never happened. 


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