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What a difference a day makes...



Cheers Grant for the visual changes to the forum ... I personaly find it much easier to read...

Yet another cloudy night with only a very fuzzy venus managing to glow dimmly through the orange murk...


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The weather for the week is looking decidedly carp, if you have some astro jobs todo now is the time todo em.

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Another cloudy night which is great for my new hobby. I am going to take pictures of the cloudy skies every night when I get home and even some of Light poluted cloudy skies once it gets dark...

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What a weekend... lovely clear skies during the day and clouds as the evening started to draw in... taking George's Advice I finally got round to modifying the Dome on the Observatory so now I have a nice wide viewing aperture at the expense of being able to just popping a golf umbrella through the Zenith hole when it came to rain... have got some poly bags big enough to cover the scopes instead as a rain mac...

Need some rain to check the sealing before deciding on the next phase... painting all the timbers and then lining the inside with plywood...


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