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You asked about light polution in the UK - It is bad and getting worse all the time. I am located 15 miles east of Manchester - Can see down to M+4 most nights - when its not cloudy that is !

It is very difficult to find faint fuzzies - even with Binoculars.

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Generally yes, but there is news.

The CfDS has been officially recognised and is being listed to by governement (Bob Mizon who kicked off CfDS now has an OBE for his efforts). Light disign is very likely to become part of building regualtions soon, which will have a very wide ranging effect.

Hampshire is installing down lighting units across the county, other counties are doing the same, these are buying a magnitude of sky darkening (this has been achieved near Bob Mizons place.. although the wider area isn't yet fitted out with these better lights, so performance may be better than 1 mag.). We also have a nationally recogised dark sky park up in Scotland, which means again that those in power are waking up to the problem.

Also it depends very much on where you live, London and you will be lucky to see the moon.. Where I live in slightly rural Hampshire and the milky way is visible overhead, and go out to darker spots and things can get very good indeed.

Finally many councils are now turning out some street lights after midnight or 1am... so stay up late and find out what happens.


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