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Help - C9.25-S GT or CPC 9.25 GPS??

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I've currently got a NexStar 114 GT which has served a purpose and got me hooked on astronomy and I've been looking for months now for my next 'scope and I've narrowed my decision to either a CPC 9.25" or Advanced Series 9.25...but the difference in price between the two is huge. 9.25" seems (for me) the best balance between portability, stow-away-ability and power hence the choices.

I've read that the CPC 9.25 is very recommended but was wondering what the difference was optically between the CPC and the Advanced Series 9.25? The difference in price is approx £700 which is a lot of money for the same aperture. I guess you get better electrical toys on the CPC but are they worth the extra money?

Also, another thought that I am toying with is that because the pound is so strong against the dollar at the moment, is it worth buying from the states and getting the 'scope shipped across (I figure it would cost half the price if I purchased in dollars (and then I would definitely go for the CPC as it would be well within my budget.)

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Optically they are both IDENTICAL. The only difference is the mount and how you use the scope. The CPC9.25 is a fork mounted setup which will be lighter and easier to use if you are purely a visual users. The ASGT is the best choice for photography or if you want to use other scopes on the same mount.

As for importing, the prices here in the UK are not as bad as you think once you add the 17.5% VAT you will be charged, plus the 4% import duty, plus the shipping, plus you dont get an international warrenty should anything go wrong with the scope. I would stay away from US imports, but thats just my take on it.

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I've got a AS 9.25. I'm 99% sure that optically they are identical, but the AS may have the slight edge because they are custom made. Read this http://www.damianpeach.com/c925review.htm.

In terms of portability the OTA is manageable but does require two counterweights so the whole set up gets pretty heavy. I tried lifting the mount with the weights on when I first got it and my back nearly collapsed.

Being an amateur I do have problems seting the CG5 mount up and sometimes wish that I had gone for the CPC type. I'm sure it would be much quicker and easier but the more experienced guys here would say it isn't worth the extra money for the electronics. I haven't seen the 9.25 CPC but would guess the OTA plus the bracket mount thingy whatever you call it must be bloomin huge so you may like to see one before you buy!

Optically I don't think you could do much better for the money IMO. Make sure that you see one before you buy because it will be larger and heavier than you probably think it is.

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Thanks for the really useful advice. It really sucks that you have to pay twice the price in the UK for the same piece of kit :rolleyes: Even with 17.5% extra and shipping, there's still a £600 saving to be had on the CPC if you import from the US. I take the point about the warranty though and that would be my only reason for not doing this and an excellent point regarding the mount. I think because of that and what you guys are saying about the optics, I think I'm now leaning towards the AS9.25 now and I hadn't thought much about photography or swapping other scopes onto the mount which would be a nice bonus.

Anyway, I followed the link that maroon bells left and the photos of Saturn and Jupiter on that page blew me away. On my current 114GT, both Jupiter and Saturn have been very disappointing. (you can just about make out the rings on Saturn with my current 'scope (although you have to squint to see them(!) and there is no detail at all (this was with a 2x Barlow and a 10mm eye-piece) and Jupiter was just a round grey splodge. I can't wait to get the new 'scope!

I've seen both the 'scopes in a show-room so know that they are a lot bigger than my current one. I'd have to assemble it each time I wanted to use it as it would be too big to store in a room somewhere fully assembled but I guess I'd learn how to do this quickly once I'd had the 'scope a while. Anyway, thanks for the advice. I think my mind is now made up.

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Another thing you may want to consider is what you are actually look at.

I only ask that because at f10 its a pretty long focal length for DSO.If its planetery then its fine.

I have found with my C8 it lacked that "wide view" so after a little while i purchased a William Optics f6 scope and now i feel i have a good balance of Planetery/Deep Space.

Saying that i wouldnt say no to a 9.25 :rolleyes:

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