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When buying an astronomy camera?

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you are going to need a good mount that will track, as I notice that you have dobs after that (taking into account I don't image) some people use a dslr. canon seems to be best supported for astronomy others use a dedicated cooled ccd astro camera something like atik or starlight express. sorry I can't help more

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You can take images with a tracking alt-az (dob) mount, but your exposure time will be severely limited. Depending on where you are aiming in the sky, you could be limited to 15/20 sec subs, but that is adequate to produce some nice shots, you just need to take a lot of them! A DSLR (e.g. canon) is a good way to start, T-ring and nosepiece are necessary to connect the camera (unless your scope has a screw fit at the e/p for the t-ring to connect directly). Alternatively, a modified webcam (the phillips one is popular - lots of threads about them on sgl) can also be used. Don't really know much about them myself. Cooled ccd cameras are also good, but you are looking at a much larger investment from the word go.

FWIW (and I know it is easy for me to spend your money:)) I would say go for a DSLR (which you can also use for terrestrial photography as well), and see how you get on with astrophotography - it really is quite different from looking through the e/p and most people seem to either love it or hate it. Once you decide it really is for you, then think about an eq mount and possibly a ccd camera, depending on where your interests lie (what you enjoy photographing).


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i use a dslr its probly the best

i started with a nikon d60 it cost me 600.00 canada dolers

but now i use a canon 5d with a full size sensor 1000.00 canada dolers

i use a remote shuter triger ( keeps it stable )

you will need a mount that tracks for long exposhers

and a camera mount to atch the camera to your telescope

ive also used a samsung s1070 10.2 mg pixel point and shoot

it works but can be a bit tricky and fussy

i prefer the dslr

i find it just gives better photos

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