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Uranus and Neptune?

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I was wondering when the best viewing conditions for these two? I think I've seen Uranus as a small blue dot below Jupiter earlier this year. Would Neptune look like a smaller dot? And would it be visible in a 10" reflector?

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I always find Neptune easier to find, as the disc always appears more colourful than Uranus to me.

Most people find the other way round.

You should have no problem resolving the disc with your 10"

Regards Steve

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Both are too close to the sun right now. They will become progressively more visible in the morning over the next few months, and will become visible again in the evening during Aug/Sept

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FWIW, I found spending time with CdC (or Stellarium would do) helped me enormously in identifying Neptune. I had the (very recognizable) star pattern firmly fixed in my mind before I got to the eyepiece.

Quick look at CdC: first half of July it will form a cross with 38Aqr at the opposite side, moving across the field to form the cross on about 8th - should make it nice and easy to identify (centre e/p on TYC 5806-894-1). There are probably much better examples during the summer, but that gives you an idea of what I mean.


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