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Relight the fire?

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Hi there,

Like many I think Coxey's latest series has inspired us all to get back out there. The problem I find is you are getting out regularly then a spell of bad cold weather comes along and the scope goes back into storage instead of being on hand.

I own a Meade ETX125 and I spent a happy year following the Messiers using dr Clay sherrod's tours for the ETX which I can highly recommend. I learned so much:

Weasner's Meade Autostar Information

I did this and blogged about it:

starhopping I am Roger the Shrubber

However my interest after a great year tracking messiers hit a wall and I was unable to find a new project.

I own 10x50 binoculars. I now have small kids 5 and 7 showing an interest. What should i do next? any suggestions?

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Your ETX 125 will be brilliant for double stars. The sky is full of them at all seasons,

and they are among the least affected objects with light pollution.

The other way you could rekindle interest is with lunar observing, your two children

will love that too.

HTH, Ed.

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Hi there,

I teach astronomy beginners (including kids) for a living. I always recommend a 6" (150mm) dobsonian.

Cheap enough, simple to set up even for kids, no gears, levers, computers, switches, batteries, motors and other junk to go wrong. With kids, simplicity is king. Don't worry about fancy stuff - go for the good views in a package you aren't afraid to let your kids use and handle. I have Twelve 6-inch dobs in service on three campuses - some of them have been in use for a decade an more, all still work perfectly.

Stay simple, stay happy, have fun! If you want more to do, check out joining my astronomy class HERE. Lots of free activities you can download and try out with your kids.

I hope that helps,


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Thanks Dan. The feedback I'm getting here is brilliant.

I stole an hour tonight, digging out my old ETX125 and setting it up first time in five years, slewed round Leo and Ursa Major. Lovely to see Algeiba again, the scope wasn't perfectly tweaked so I missed M81 and 82 which I used to like to see.

This shows how behind I am. A quick check in Stellarium showed I had missed Saturn tonight! How daft am I ? :icon_eek:

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I was going to say Saturn- nothing like Saturn and Jupiter to rekindle your enthusiasm. I was viewing S last night and could see Titan, Dione and Tethys- had to get Mrs Slangers out in her pyjamas to take a look.

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