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Alternative to K3ccdtools?

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Heya, I'm planning on doing a fair bit of astrophotography and thought it would be nice to hook the telescope up to the laptop. Got all of it sorted out right up until I tried installing K3ccdtools... Unfortunately K3 doesn't work with 64bit windows. Or doesn't want to on my laptop. Could you recommend an alternative program that will work just as well? Or is there a fix for this little hiccup?


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Yes hopefully, just need to save up for the cables. I have a philips webcam and just need a useable K3 type programme. Will Stellarium do the same job? I'm not too sure of all the programmes yet, I think the phrase 'vertical learning curve' may be applicable.

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When I plugged in my Trust webcam I downloaded a piece of software witht he driver from their website that did all the capture. You can use VirtualDub too for capture, which I think was initially developed for resampling DVDs and the like so there are some pretty advanced options!

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