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Hotech Disappointment

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I think people should be aware that even the Hotech is not fallible and may need to be checked for colimation before use. I put my complete trust in the Hotech to collimate my SW MN190, and found out only by talking to some of the most experienced and respected members on SGL that the Hotech may need attention.

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There is an easier method to check for the laser alignment. Just decollimate your primary mirror until the returned laser beam misses the secondary mirror and strikes a distant wall. Mark where the laser beam strikes the wall then rotate the laser to check its alignment. See attachment.

The only laser collimator in the market that is always aligned out-of-the-box is a “Glatter” (URL: WELCOME TO COLLIMATOR DOT COM ). It fits in quality draw-tubes perfectly. No need for self-centering mechanism with a Glatter.



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My Hotech itself is fine, but there can be issues if there is any focuser slop or the like, for example if I rotate the 2 to 1.25 inch adaptor in the focuser the laser spot rotates and that is due to focuser imperfections not the Hotech..

I love mine as it is so easy to set the mirrors up and when I check with a cheshire it is spot on.

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Well I carried out a rough test indoors with my Hotech, holding the barrel against a smooth table top and pointing the laser at the side of my fridge about 5 m away. Then carefully rotated he barrel 90 degrees at a time, watching the spot to see if it went higher or lower as I rotated it. At 5m range, it stayed at the same level to within +/- 1cm in all orientations .... and in this rough test, with a measurement uncertainty of about +/- 1cm, alignment may well have been better than that.

Looking good so far.


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