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Image processing primers feedback

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Rather than post feedback under the individual primers I would be grateful if you could post and comments here. It is difficult to know how much detail to include and whether techniques are adequately and clearly explained. Any comments or suggestions will be much appreciated. I am more than happy to edit these primers if they need it.

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Huge thanks on that Martin, i know just how long that must have taken , a lot of hard work , and i,m sure ppl on here as they progress in their imaging will be delighted to have these to look back on , great stuff , i know i will try one of them , which is new to me ,



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Martin this looks awesome! I can't wait to get some clear skies and some images to work through these tips. I think I might print them off so I can have them sat beside me to refer to :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the hard work you put into making these, it is greatly appreciated :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Martin,

I'm new to the forum, but I've been imaging and processing for a couple of years but have only just started using Photoshop Elements, so these primers are really useful. I still find that Paint Shop Pro is better for some things though (e.g. printing the final image, saving to JPEG format).



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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...


You could just add the link to your website to the top of each of the primers - I'm sure people don't care where they are stored as long as the info is available! (Alternatively, I can do the uploading for you if you want - got some time over the next few weeks ;))


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  • 3 months later...
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  • 8 months later...

I've just worked through creating star layers and improving stars. The instructions are, in my view, perfect and I cannot thank you enough. (When I was an English teacher I spent a long time thinking about 'instructions' and they don't get any better than yours.) They all worked first time for me and, I can tell you, that doesn't often happen with me at the keyboard!

One trick I have tried and found occasionally useful is to use a very light (1 pixel radius) Median filter when the stars are selected. It reduces slightly a tendency in my images for stars to have all their colour concentrated in a ring around the edge.

Many, many thanks for this godsend of a tutorial.


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