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Skywatcher Offset Secondary?

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Does anyone have a Skywatcher Skyliner and know whether the secondary needs to be offset? I tried to contact Skywatcher directly but they didn't like to get back to me :D!!!

The scope is 12", 1500mm focal length at F5

Cheers and clear skies


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I dont have a Skyliner but Im sure I read a thread on here that said the Skywatcher secondary offset was built in to the holder so when you measure the spider it is "central" It was on one of the numerous collimation threads.

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With dobs offset is pretty well irrelevant. So long as the secondary isn't so wildly off centre that the light path is obstructed by the side of the tube you don't have to worry about it.

However with an EQ mounted Newt offset is important as the light path must be aligned with the tube or tracking will be affected.


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