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Slightly frustrating session, but with two highlights

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I had two observing sessions yesterday: first with the 15x70 and C8 to get Mercury for the first time in at least 25 years, and later with just the C8 for some galaxy hunting.

I first walked down to the end of our street to a pond which allows reasonably unobstructed views of the horizon, where I quickly spotted Jupiter, very low in the sky (at around 7 PM local time). I checked on Google sky on my phone where Mercury should be in relation, and got that one as well. It was considerably higher than I had anticipated, so I rushed home, set up the C8 at the back of the garden (in about 5 minutes) and got Mercury as it appeared over nearby rooftops. The image suffered severely from atmospheric refraction, but a little rainbow (thick) crescent was easily resolved at 200x. The image quality was too poor for imaging, so I left it at that. I am still very pleased to have spotted it again after 25 years.

When I went out at 9PM I noticed the skies were slightly hazy, never a good thing for galaxy hunting. I had a brief go at NGC 1275 in Perseus, but no luck. I am sure it was the right location, after star-hopping from Algol, but the sky was neither dark nor transparent enough. After a brief attempt at to Caldwells in Cassiopeia (also abortive, too low in the sky) I switched to Canes Venatici. Star-hopping from Cor Caroli, I managed to get NGC 5005 (Caldwell 29). This was clearly visible as an elongated fuzzy blur, first at 50x magnification and then at 90x using the 22mm Nagler. Given that it was so easy to spot under these conditions, I must give it a go in clearer skies. It is also quite easy to find, almost mid-way between two stars which form the base of an isosceles triangle pointing southwards just south-east of Cor Caroli.

I had ago at nearby galaxy NGC 5033, but this was too faint under the conditions. I then switched to Caldwell 32, or NGC 4631. This too proved elusive, as the haze in the sky increased. I then tried to find M65 and M66 in Leo, but these too were by now hidden in the haze.

I then decided to pack it all in, as I expected increasing problems, what with the moon rising later. Once everything was inside the skies turned much clearer half an hour later :D, but by that time I decided to hit the sack.

All in all not the most productive evening, but I will give it another go today, weather permitting. Still, one more Caldwell to scratch off the to-do list.

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