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Hey Everyone!

I'm a 29 y/o Insurance Consultant from Kidderminster making a return to the hobby after a three year break.

I was lucky as a kid in that I lived in the middle of the countryside. On clear nights, the milky way was so bright you could almost read a newspaper by it! I started out using a pair of 10x50 binoculars during a powercut one winter. I stumbled across M42 and was so amazed I was out every night from then on randomly exploring the sky.

After learning of my newly found interest, my uncle built me a 6" reflector. He had been interested himself years before, but as he lived in light polluted West Bromwich he gave it all up. Armed with my new telescope I spent many nights exploring the heavens!

My 6" telescope was fantastic, but I found that sometimes I just didn't have the time to set the 'scope up, collimate it and let it cool down. This led to a decrease in my observations so I decided to buy a lightweight telescope. I saved my pennies and obtained a Tal 1 4.5" reflector. With this new scope there was no stopping me. I could wheel it out in seconds and it never needed collimating! I soon developed an interest in planetary nebulae and was pleasantly supprised by how many of these gems it was able to pick up. Alas though the Helix, even to this day has eluded me!!!!

A year or two passed and I found myself in a different job. I landed the unfortunate roll of a milkman, working 11 pm to 7am Monday to Saturday. This only left me with Saturday night / Sunday morning for observing but as you can imagine after a week of being up all night a was long tucked up in bed by 9pm! It wasn't all bad though, my round was set in the countryside so I had some excellent views of the stars and was fortunate in witnessing a great Perseid's display.

After two years, I couldn't stand working nights any longer. I produced the best CV I've ever written and spent a year hunting for a job with better career prospects (and during daylight hours!). I landed a great job and purchased a nice house and found quite accidentally that I still had a real interest in the hobby. Observing where I live isn't fantastic, but I've just purchased A Skywatcher Skymax 127 Mak. This will make a great portable scope for taking away on camping trips etc and, fortunately I still have all my original equipment. I'm so glad I never parted with it all!

If your still reading all this then I'm amazed! Sorry to bore you with the story of my life! :rolleyes:

I look forward to chatting to you all sometime soon!



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