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Hi from newish member, north east england.


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First let me say that I have found this forum great for answering most of my questions just by googeling the forum. Keep up the good work.

I Used to own a six inch Newt on a poor motorised EQ mount, but that was last century. I enjoyed browsing the heavens but was frustrated by setting up, transporting, all the usual. Sold that on Ebay some time ago.

Any way recently got the craving to give it another go (Blame Brian Cox and Discovery HD) and as I love photography I really want to have a serious go at Astro Photography. (Yes I know it is very challenging but that's the attraction)

I have done a lot or reading, a lot of thinking and a couple of questions on SGL.

I have been playing with my camera on a photo tripod and experimenting with stacking etc.

I have decided that a pier mount in a shed is the only way I will stick at this hobby.

The Mrs has given planning permission.

Where am I now? Well 10x6 modified PENT shed on order. NEQ6 on order. Ready to click BUY on ED80 APO. Next job is to start digging.

Thanks again to the SGL team for running this knowledge base.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

You might want to think of getting a copy of Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Counts" (FLO £19.95) to also help you get started. Imaging is not only hard work but expensive and the post processing seems to involve as much time as collecting the data! I look forward to seeing the results of your efforts soon.

Clear skies (...and light pollution free photons!)


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