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Hi All

I managed to get some clear weather that coincided with a night off to add some colour data to the Luminance that I took a month ago, this is NGC3628 which for some reason is also known as "Sarah's Galaxy" (haven't found out why by looking on the web yet), it is also referred to as the "Hamburger Galaxy" (I can see why it got that name).

I had a reasonable night for the luminance but there was faint mist last night when I did the colour data. This was taken with a Takahashi FSQ106ED and Starlight Xpress SXVF H9 on a Paramount ME with guiding done by a lodestar camera and OAG.

Exposures are 46x5 minutes for Lum and 18x5 minutes each for RGB. There are a few small faint fuzzies in the background as well.

I have tried this subject before a couple of times with limited success and these can be seen on the Galaxies page in the image gallery on my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page and there is also the full size high resolution image at the following link NGC3628 - Sarah's Galaxy or Hamburger Galaxy photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

Thanks for looking

Best wishes and clear skies



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Blimey Gordon, you have done well to pull out so much of that tidal tail without devoting a year to the job.

I never knew it was called Sarah's Galaxy but I will stick to that because I can never remember NGC numbers!

Nice. Are you going to go round the Triplet?


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Hi Olly

Thanks for the comments, I may do M65 and M66 as a separate shot, as for all three together I will wait until I upgrade to an ML8300 for that, I will be selling my H36 to help fund that

Best wishes


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Hi Martin

It is mainly because I will be upgrading to FLI microline cameras starting with the 8300 and then eventually the 16803. I feel as though I have gone as far as I can with the interline chips and unregulated cooling

Best wishes


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