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ISS and Shuttle

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missed it myself i got distracted with something else so i am not very happy with myself :) i wanted very much to see them both together like that just after undocking and discovery on it's way home now for the last time, but wishing you a safe journey home guy's

regards Rob

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What does it look like?? I was viewing the moon with my binoculars when the wife spotted 2 star looking lights passing along in the sky "flying" or moving along and just below orion, i tried to view them but could only make out 2 silent looking lights moving at the same speed and keeping the same distance apart, we got in the the conversation of Ufos cos neither of us knew what it was, please tell me this was the ISS!!!!

Ive been wanting to view it for 4 months!!!


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well you could only miss them like i did if you forgot the time and was busy doing something else like i was :) but yes very hard to mistake for something else really. so well done spotting them a sight never to be seen ever again sadly :p

regards Rob

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Amazing!!! Thanks to my wife, i have tried to see it for 4 months and she finds it without even trying straight away! Typical!!! Can detail be seen with a telescope as i said my bins couldnt really make anything out, i am buzzing now tho! Just makes me want to get my scope even more! Come on holiday come and go so i can put my money towards my DOB

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God bless the local news that pointed this out at 6.45pm so plenty of time to prepare for it - checked out Stellarium to see where I should be looking at 7:24:30pm and sure enough there they were. Quite impressed.

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Saw them fly over last night in tandem, a fantastic sight.

As an aside; several years ago my wife asked if I had an opportunity to spend six months on the ISS would I go. I replied "yes" (as you would) and she proceeded to tell me how selfish I was :) , she never let me forget that I would "rather be on the ISS than with her" which was true and needless to say we are no longer married :p


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