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Can't see a thing out of new Newtonian

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Ok I'm probably doing something really stupid. Just receive a new scope and had a quick go with it last night. The finder scope is great is all I can say about the Newtonian. Couldn't see a thing out of it apart from the secondary mirror supports. Just had a go in daylight and it won't focus on anything. If I take my eye about 8" away from the eyepiece I can see the trees at the back of the garden like I'm looking through binoculars backward. Does it just need collimating or am I just as daft as a brush? Never owned a Newtonian before as they've always looked like impractical flimsy junk to me. A sort of glorified shaving mirror at the bottom of a drain pipe. What am I doing wrong?

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... A sort of glorified shaving mirror at the bottom of a drain pipe. ...

Impractical flimsy junk? How very dare you! Handled properly, they are superb pieces of equipment. Just look at some of the imaging on this forum achieved using Newtonians.

A bit of practice and you'll be fine.

From a Newtonian fanatic.

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