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sitting outside

Marcus daniel

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Tom, its a bummer,i came home early form work,thought id set scope up and have a few hours,got about 30 mins in on joop then the clouds came rollin in.

But bonus as first proper light with scope,joop looked stunning even though low,couldnt use any high power but with the 15mm tmb it looked superb.


Keep at it mate,it will come,blankets and cuppas,yal be alright buddy :eek:


Shush ya makin me hungrey :rolleyes:

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Forget the cuppas, have just cracked open the magners!!!! As for food, been cooking a ruby murry earlier, smells divine... gona stick it out for a while though.... can just see rigel popping in and out of these dam clouds...oh theres betelguese too... you never know!!!

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Managed to get half an hour outside in the garden in my observing chair.. Bit gutted that my binoculars that I ordered are still at my fiancee's workplace (She's off ill and I stupidly had them delivered there thinking it would save me a journey to the post office sorting office)

Nice that It was clear for a good half hour or so but Im hoping that it will still be clear in another couple of hours as the tennis courts over the garden wall are in FULL FLOODLIGHT mode at the moment... aighhh!

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Was clear on East Coast, but has turned very damp. Had a good view of Jupiter earlier. Spotted the open cluster in cancer as a faint blur with the naked eye and averted vision, good view with the scope.

The damp air was affecting viewing so given up for tonight.

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