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Hello All,

Quite new to this and enjoying my journey thus far. With the vastness of the skies i think that this journey will last a lifetime....

I started 5 months ago with a Skywatcher 130 and then very quickly decided that viewing Messier objects was for me.

So, I decided 2 weeks ago that an upgrade it would be and so arrived the Nexstar 8SE.

I'm so pleased and I really am addicted and Astrophotography must be the next step.

Thank you to my Girlfriend as she contributed to the upgrade and my 3 yr old daughter is overjoyed when we set it up to view the moon.

Great Site with a tremedous amount of people who are willing to share their vast knowledge..

Thank you SGL


Richard D:icon_salut:

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Hi Richard and welcome to the forum.

You will no doubt have heard this recommendation before but if your setting your sights toward astrophotography, may I suggest getting a hold of a copy of Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count" (FLO £19.95). This will provide with a very good overview of what you will need to achieve the level of imaging that you want and what you will need to achieve it. The requirements are quite different to those for observing so this book might at the very least save you some money by helping you to avoid buying the wrong kit.

Clear skies


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hi richard and family, welcome my daughter is 12 and she loves it, the pictures we take she takes to school on disks .and the teacher always shows them the other kids,and she feels great about it because she can give a little speech about what craters are were done her confidence and socail skills a great deal of good

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