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Signpost to the Stars - a bit of nostalgia


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About half a century ago, my early interest in astronomy was helped by a little booklet called "Signpost to the Stars" by F E Butler, second edition 1960, price 1/6d. With its nice simple diagrams of the constellations, I used it out in the back garden as I tried to learn my way round the sky. Various scribbled notes and pencilled sight lines crept across the pages. By my mid-teens, other evening pursuits took up my evenings, but the little book stayed with me. Last time I saw it, probably ten years ago in a clear-out of the loft, it was a bit tattered and mouldy, and was consigned to the bin.

Out of curiosity, I looked on Amazon the other day, and lo and behold, there were various copies for sale, even the original 1941 edition, at all manner of prices. But at six-and-a-bit quid including postage, I couldn't resist it, and a 1960 edition in perfect condition is now on my desk.

It's a nice little trip down memory lane - mind you, I still can't find half the stuff in the sky without a GOTO!!

Does anyone else remember, or still have that little book?


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Yes Allan I had a later version in paperback that came with my Phillips Planisphere (c 1985). It was a great simple introduction to sky navigation before a telescope had even entered my thinking. I did like you last year and found one on-line to give to a friend to start her off. I think I'll go get one forme now!!


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By my mid-teens, other evening pursuits took up my evenings,


What could they have been, I wonder, - basket weaving ? Doing jigsaw puzzles? ;)

I have fond memories of the ladybird book 'The night sky' and it's wonderful illustrations. Would like to read 'signpost' but not prepared to spend £6.50 ! :)

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