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M35 (2 hours) Unguided

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Another attempt at M35 - this time 2 hours of 2min subs, 45 Darks and 25 Flats. SW200P, Canon 1000D, ISO 800, No filters.

I seem to have cured my tendency towards monochrome but I now have a pretty severe gradient across the image! Any ideas, hints or tips?

All comments welcome please.


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It looks pretty good to me...!

Regarding gradient, I see that you did take some flats so that should have sorted it... However, I know that prevention is better than cure, but maybe Gradient Xterminator might do the trick? I find it does an excellent job...! (Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I'd be very pleased with that image!)

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Great pic BB! :(

I would also be very happy with that result!

Have you got Noles actions? because I tried the 'soft colour gradient removel' on you image and it worked a treat.

Also my alternative..although I might get a telling off for this! lol Is to select the area that has the gradient with the lasso tool - refine edge a bit - select curves - change chanel to red - and VERY carefuly (SMALL) adjustment to bring down the - lower end of the curve (shaddows?) but keeping the mid tones and highlights on the middile line.

If that makes sense?

It works for me but I can imagine there must be better ways than this.

Good luck, let us know how you get on!


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