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An Amateur Images to the Edge of Everything!

Aussie Pete

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G'Day folks happy19.gif,

This week we enabled one of our advanced drivers the opportunity to strive for something unheard of. And he did it! Breaking two records in amateur astronomy.

Dr Sasse captured Quasar J1148+5251 on a 17" telescope. Reaching out to the edge of the observable universe!

As far as we know, after much research, Dr Christian Sasse and the new G17 telescope in Spain have shattered two world records for amateur astronomy; the most distant (12.79 Billion LY) and the faintest (mag 26.9 galaxy) amateur observation ever achieved on a truly accessible, amateur sized telescope.

We amateurs are getting to places never dreamed of before.

See more on this news and images Here.


Clear Skies!


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