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Any photos of tonights moon?

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I'd love to see a good pic of tonight's moon if there are any about.

It was the first time I looked at it through binos and I was fascinated by the shadows on the craters.

The only problem was caused by my lack of a tripod.

Delerium Tremens seems to set in as soon as I pick 'em up!

There was a lot of detail at the top of the left side of the crescent but I couldn't quite pin it down.

Can you help?


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If you can't run to a tripod (and perhaps even if you can), find a chair to sit in. That helps keep the bins steady. I use a reclining patio chair and it makes life much easier.

No photos of the moon tonight, mind. The seeing was so poor when I was looking at the moon that the surface was dancing about all over the place and wouldn't stay in focus.


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Same here... First clear night for what at least feels like many weeks, but the seeing was pretty bad. Did attempt a few DSLR shots, but they're a fuzzy mess.

Did manage to track down what i'm pretty certain is SN2011B before it fades from view though, so not a total waste :(

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