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Thoughts on a second scope

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I'm currently using a Nexstar 4 SE, and although its a great scope I'm after a one with a larger aperture that would be good for DSO imaging. The one I have in mind is the SW Explorer 200PDS mounted on the HEQ5 Pro (GOTO mount). I would welcome any thoughts on this setup. It will be a few weeks before I can afford it, so plenty of time to reconsider. MY current DSLR is a Pentax K100D, which has produced some decent shots used with the SE4. I was thinking of buying from Opticstar, who offer a free Opticstar SL-131C CCD camera with the HEQ5 mount. Has anyone used this camera for planetary imaging - is it worth having?


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The HEQ5 is a great mount for visual observing and some imaging but a 200PDS is a fair sized scope. I gather from your thread you are looking more towards astography than visual so in this case you need a substantial mount that can track accurately on both axis no matter what forces of gravity come in to play. If you plan on exposing an object for any length of time you would only need the tiniest bit of slop in the worm gears for it to be a dissapointing out come. Again I am no expert and others may have better advice.


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