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been asked before, Sorry.

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i want to buy a couple of nice Ep's 1.25" for my meade lx200, i'm looking around and reading details on different EP's and what they offer and i'm left thinking i could spend hundreds on the wrong thing not being quite sure what i actuall require..(sorry again)

i want a nice EP for looking at Nebula and a nice piece for viewing the planets could you suggest what would be best suited for my scope, i know this sounds like a lazy mans thread but i have been reading about TV Ep's but i get lost with all the focal info supplied i see some dont suit and some dont say and i'm just lost as what EP is the right thing!?

any suggestions and info as to why it is the right thing would help me for the future.. i have good vision, dont use glasses and would like to buy something comfortable if possible, if comfort has to be sacrificed for quality of viewed image i am happy to spend less time looking and get a beeter view over a shorter time.

all help/info appreciated.

info- Lx200 8" ACF/UHTC

anyone with anything they might want to shift on let me know.

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If was my choice, I would get a 22mm Vixen LVW (x90, 65° field, very comfortable to use) and either a 10mm Radian (x200, 60°, sharp and easy to use) or a 9mm Vixen NLV (x222, 50°, very sharp and contrasty).

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With an SCT there are lower cost options than Tele Vue that will perform extremely well. The Vixen LVW's that Mr Spock mentions are excellent as are William Optics UWAN's and Skywatcher Nirvana's (clones of each other IMHO) if you would like something with a wider field of view.

The Baader Hyperions are pretty good for under £100 each - at F/10 they will give extremely nice views as well.

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i just found a powermate 2.5x at sensible money and bought it, now just to plunge and buy a nice EP to sit with it! i think i'l take your advice and go with the cheaper option i can get a feel for how they perform and allways shift them on if i fancy spending more for little extra.(not likely)

Thanks again for the info.

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I recently bought two Baader Hyperions (13mm and 24mm) from members of this forum and found they gave great views with my 10" LX200. I have now made my mind up to buy the 17mm and the 31mm.

Check out the For Sale section, they quite often come up for sale around £70.

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