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more questions..EQDIR drift alignment

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I am trying to get to grips with drfit alignment. I have looked at several methods and since i have EQMOD i have gone for EQDIR.

I am getting there slowly, but i wonder if there are better methods of drift alignment. I would love to hear what others use, and the ease and success they have.

I am sure the info would be useful to others on here


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If you have the necessary kit to use EQMOD, have a look at Alignmaster.

It isn't drift alignment, Basically it slews you to a couple of stars, you make adjustments to centre them, it then works out from that how your alignment is out. To correct, it slews you away from the second star and you adjust back using the altitude and azimuth knobs.

I normally repeat to fine tune. Takes 5 minutes. Well worth the money (free download to trial IIRC).


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