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Hello from Oxford


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... well, you probably figured that out from my username (which I also use on other websites).

I take a passing interest in what's in the sky, although living in a flat in a city centre, I'm not well situated for sky-watching.

I remember...

- First getting binoculars as a teenager (long ago) and seeing the amazing detail on the Moon, especially along the terminator. Also Jupiter's moons.

- Getting a job in the country when I was about 20, and seeing the Milky Way for the first time.

- Managing to locate Halley's Comet on its last visit (a binocular job).

When Saturn's rings were wide open a few years ago, I did set up my birdwatching scope on a tripod in the back yard. Not easy, as my tripod didn't want to tilt up that high (had to set it up with one short leg). And, being a basic camera tripod, trying to control it to follow a moving object was tricky. But I saw the rings! And however good they look in NASA photos etc, there's a thrill to seeing them with your own eyes.

When I retire in a couple of years, I'll be moving to Dumfries where the light polution should be less, and I'll be living in a house with a garden, so better placed to think about a proper scope. Only thing is, I'll have to change my username!

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying browsing the forum.


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Hi Mary and welcome to the forum.

Well in terms of exploring and learning about the night sky and perhaps looking eventually at obtaining a bit of kit, you've certainly got plenty of time to prepare for some stargazing for that new garden.

No such thing as a daft question, I know, I still keep asking them!

Clear skies


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