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Anyone Else See This?


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H there

Grab your copy of the current issue of Astronomy Now, (February), turn to page 35 and look at the completed image of the Orion Nebula as done by Nik Szymanek. Above the Tarpezium area, halfway to the top of the image and slightly to the left, there is an image of an old man. The domed head is clear, then there are a pair of eyes and the nose. Between the nose and the mouth there is a white moustache and below the mouth is a flowing white beard.

To me the image is so clear, he is looking slightly down and to the left, does anyone else catch this?

I have come to the conclusion that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, he lives in the Orion Nebula.

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Yep, cool, I see it

But what ever you do, don't tell the paranormal chaps. They see ghosts in every twist of smoke and alien faces in the random shadows on Mars. The last thing we need is them extending their claims into the cosmos !!

Nice catch Paul


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And here was me thinking I had discovered something new. I had visions of lecture tours and being put up in top class hotels, driven in limos and flying first class.

I think Santa appears better in Nik's photo though.

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