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Still having trouble.

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I tried aligning the scope tonight but whenever I tried to get the second star, goes to the second star, but it's never quite right, how accurate does the time have to be for a go to scope? Can it be 30 seconds off and still provide a decent alignment? Or what else could it possibly be? Could it simply be that I accidentally added 820 degrees N rather than 82 degrees north?

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When you say the second star is never quite right...do you mean the second in a 3 star alignment setup etc? Because when you've lined up star 1 (and pressed to lock it in)....star two will likely be off (pretty normal). You then manually line it up in your ep, lock it in and move to the 3rd.

After that it should be spot on.

Apologies if I've gotten the wrong end of the stick here :D

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Well the way the orion computer does it is you look for the first star your self, say Capella, then choose from a list, say Bellatrix, and the scope would move far south of the constellation of Orion do I just have to move it back to Bellatrix and center it that way after its moved in the general direction?

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Suspect that the problem is that you centre the first star.

When the scope moves to the second that is the time that it is collecting information on the errors.

It will have to assume that when on the first star that the scope is perfectly setup - it will not be. A small 1/2 degree tilt of the base will mean that the position it goes to will be half a degree off. 1/2 degree is too small for you to get right when you place the scope on the ground no matter how much you try.

Lets face it you could nail the scope to a vertical wall then point at the first star. The scope would still assume that the mount was perfectly horizontal when it started to slew to the second star.

Suppse that you even could hang the scope upside down and locate the first star.

What is happening between the first and second star is that the system is determining the compensation that it needs to apply.

Unless you have entered your Long/Lat that there is an error from that as whatever is in the scope will be for the centre of whatever nearby town.

You have to realise what is happening between centering the first and second star.

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