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Hi all

Finaly got some money together for my first scope:hello2:, and decided on the skywatcher skyliner 250px dobsonian over the skywatcher explorer 200p (eq5) because of the extra apeture and the ease of use.

Now my question is whot extras would you guys/girls buy for this scope and whot differance whuld thay make?

Thank you all.


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It is a great scope (in more ways than one!).

FWIW I would advise you to wait on most additional purchases until you have a reason for needing them. This is a hobby where you can spend a lot of money on things that "seemed a good idea at the time", but end up not being used and either left on the shelf or sold on at a loss. I know ... I've been there.

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Agree with the above, but you will need a good sky atlas. For me Nortons and Cambridge are too small so I like Wil Tirion's SkyAtlas 2000, a Dob owner's delight. Lots of folks on the forum take their PCs outside but I don't, other than for imaging, because dark adaptation is the key to finding and really seeing things.


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