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Does anyone recommend a Skywatcher Explorer 130?

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If you can afford it I'd get the 130 over the Skyhawk. The 130 in all its guises is a great starter scope - the better version is the 130P model with the parabolic mirror.

Its probably one of the best (if not the best) starter scopes out there and theres no shortage of people on here who started with one and loved it - including me.

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Biggest aperture you can afford and my advise would be dont go any faster than F5 (faster means a lower F number so F4 would be faster).

That also depends on whether you want GoTo which may affect the size of aperture you can afford.

I bashed out an article some time ago which might help you - its here So you want to buy a telescope ? - Part 1

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I owned a 130p before buying a skyliner 250. The 130p is a great scope. quick and easy to use. The laser finder is simple and does an excellent job. with the supplied eyepieces you can view Jupiter and just about make out one or maybe two of the bands on its surface. The 4 moons around it look spectacular. The Orion nebula looks fab too. As for the moon - I have a new found respect for the planet since buying a telescope...

Downsides - even a big scope does not like to move around which means hovering your eye over the eyepiece. this is particularly the case for the 130p. Make sure it is on a solid table to use it.

I recommend buying a good quality barlow and a 15mm eyepiece.

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