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Spot 18 1 2011 barlowed.


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Hi All,

I tried my Barlow in the LS60 and was rather excited to be able to get so close. I had not expected it to be possible with this size of scope. However, despite taking it to bts I could not get the Barlow clean so there is some Photoshop thuggery at work in the close up. New Barlow needed!

There is an obvious falling off in quality away from the alignment feature I used, the spot itself. I wonder if this is unavoidable at longer focal length?

Multi point align made no difference.

This solar imaging is a blast, eh?? Love it. Bit worried abut the high season here, though, and the implications for my sleep...


ps edit; Added a second composite from the afternoon.



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Hi Olly,

The bluriness as you move out is most likely caused by that particular barlow causing a bit a coma when used with the scope. With narrow band you can lose detail as you move away from the sweetspot but its should stay in focus. I recently switched from a barlow to a 2.5 powermate with my LS 60 and I think the results are much better edge to edge (but they do cost alot more than a barlow).

Bill D

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I successfully use the TV x2.5 Powermate as well on the SM60 with the DMK. Certainly worth considering. Being a telecentric design means you don't have to worry about the back focus distance....

Do you use multi-point alignment? It sometimes helps as does the different "gradient" setting in Registax5 (I'm sure Avistack will have something similar)

Edit: I see you tried the multi-point.....

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