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EQ6 Pro Polar Alignment...puzzled

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During the alignment the mount is pointed to North. Then the Alt t-bolts loosened so the altitude adjustment can be made to view Polaris in the PFS cross hairs.

Then the detail routine to complete the settings for polar scope alignment.

Once all this is done, is the mount then ready to use or does the Alt need to be returned to "your" latitude on the latitude scale.

Why I ask is if I start at my altitude first on the altitude scale ie. 51' I'm nowhere near Polaris. (latitudinally)

Hope this makes sense.


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The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  1. Point the mount north and adjust the altitude so that you can see Polaris through the polar scope.
  2. Loosen the clutch and rotate the mount in RA so that the little etched constellations are oriented in the same positions as they appear in the sky. Lock the clutch.
  3. Now use the altitude and azimuth adjusters to move the mount so that Polaris lies in the little circle.

As Starblazer says, the altitude scale on the mount is not very accurate so son't worry about it.


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